Form Login Premium v1.4.0

Versi Premium:

 System Coin, Role, dan Exp Member

  1.  Coin : Use coins to unlock premium content.
  2.  Role : There are two roles, "Member" and "User". "Members" can access premium content, "Users" cannot.
  3. 3. Exp Member : The "Member" role has a time limit. If you pass, you become "User" again.

In this system, users can choose how they access premium content: using coins or becoming a "Member".

# Premium v1.4.0

Because this premium version has a different code (made from scratch) from the free version, there may be some data input that is different from the free version, for example there is no more favorite data.

And of course in terms of appearance and code it is very different, and this is a login form that can be placed on a blogger page, no longer a popup.

Trakteer : 35k

Ko-fi: $4

Check Demo Playlist:

Update Video 18/Feb/2025

Video Thumbnail
Create Firebase Demo Old v1.2.0 - v1.3.1 Demo New v1.4.0

Want to see the full demo? chat admin

Trakteer (shop old version) Ko-fi (shop old version) Chat Admin
Do you understand bloggers?

You can install it yourself, the admin just directs you

Don't understand bloggers?

Unfortunately, Admin is very busy so you have to try to install it yourself..

If there is a part you don't understand, please ask the Admin directly.

Group Telegram


All updated features or new features... there is digithub, please check there..

important announcement

firebase policy changes towards cloud storage: Link

Posting Komentar:

56 Komentar

  1. #Question...
    demo site?
  2. #Reply... Anonim
    MAGIC Reincarnated
    Sorry but the demo site carries the risk of the code being stolen, so I will only provide the video.
  3. #Question...
    How about if they already logged in, they don't have access to register and login page.
  4. #Reply... Anonim
    MAGIC Reincarnated
    Yes, it's possible, we can hide the register and login links if the user is already logged in.
  5. #Question...
    Saat saya menggunakan login pertama Anda, blog saya terkunci dan Firebase terus mengirim saya pesan tentang aturan keamanan. Bisakah Anda membuat ini menggunakan Google App Script? Dan saya rasa tidak perlu sistem peran karena menggunakan sistem koin.
  6. #Reply... Anonim
    MAGIC Reincarnated
    Apa alasan blogmu terkunci? Bukannya ada email yang masuk dari blogger dengan keterangan kenapa blogmu terkunci.

    Untuk aturan keamanan firebase itu karena kamu membiarkan akses baca dan tulis ke publik bukan private, itu hal yang normal jika ada peringatan dari firebase.

    Aku tidak bisa membuat versi google sheet karena karena deviceku hanya ada ponsel bukan laptop, sangat sulit mengatur google sheet pada ponsel.

    Sistem peran dibuat diawal pembuatan versi 1.0 dan hal ini bisa terus dikembangkan untuk hal lain sebagai contoh badge diprofile atau komentar.
  7. #Question...
    Is this code similar to the one on this website?

    If so, I can pay for it but the only drawback is that it is not all in English
  8. #Reply... Anonim
    If it's like this, I'll buy it.
  9. #Question...
    I request account can read by title label too
  10. #Reply... Anonim
  11. #Reply... Anonim
    MAGIC Reincarnated
    Maybe you could say it's a bit similar, but for the part about buying the membership I can't make it, I only use JavaScript , there is no backend for the payment..

    For language issues, you can change it in config, now it's much easier to change the language,
    Example : Link
  12. #Reply... Azathoth13x
    MAGIC Reincarnated
    Maybe I'll just add it in the next update.
  13. Dida
    Is that a new version? I like it more than in the demo video. If I buy it on Ko-fi, will I get the same version as in this video?
  14. #Question...
    and my concern is tachiyomi. They added my site to their extension so it means they can decipher it and open the locked chapter?
  15. Azathoth13x
  16. #Reply... Dida
    MAGIC Reincarnated
    Yeah you will get the latest version...

    If you use the Zeistmanga theme, I can make a tutorial for installing it.
  17. #Reply... Dida
    MAGIC Reincarnated
    As far as I know, it's still possible if they have the encryption key...
    In the next update, I will also make the manual version much safer, the content is stored in the database so it is much safer.
  18. Dida
    Okay, I bought it. Don't have telegram, I message to your email.
  19. #Reply...
    No tutorial video?
  20. #Reply... Dida
    MAGIC Reincarnated
    I can only make it for Zeistmanga... because each theme has a different structure
  21. #Reply... Dida
    MAGIC Reincarnated
    I recommend that the installation be done completely by me, it's quicker and less complicated.
    The rest just ask questions about the available features or how to use them.
  22. Dida
    Yes, I'm using Zeistmanga theme. How about the firebase tutorial?
  23. #Reply... Dida
    Nvm. I already invited you on firebase. Thanks
  24. Anonymous
    min possible to add purchase history?
  25. #Reply... Anonim
    MAGIC Reincarnated
    What you mean is the history of purchasing chapters using coins,
    The feature has been created, I might release it on the 15th..
  26. Anonymous
    yes min cool
  27. #Question...

    I wanna try free ver
  28. #Reply... Azathoth13x
    MAGIC Reincarnated
    Hmm... that's specifically for the premium login version, it's free but doesn't work well if it's not the premium login version.

    I've invited you to github, check your email.
  29. #Question...
    Bro, ada update baru? Bisa kamu update postingan ini supaya kami bisa lihat versi terbarunya?
  30. #Reply... Anonim
    MAGIC Reincarnated
    belum ada Update pada kodenya, aku cuman menambahkan daftar harga fitur..

    Itu modul dari form login.

    Aku lupa untuk mengupdate postingannya, terimaksih sudah mengingatkan.
  31. #Question...
    Bro, ada demo untuk fitur Coin History dan BuyCoin supaya saya bisa lihat bagaimana cara kerjanya?
  32. #Question...
    I noticed you've added a new feature. Could I access the 'coin history'? Btw, is the 'buy coin' option exclusive to Telegram?
  33. #Reply... Dida
    MAGIC Reincarnated
    Yes, you can access it, send your github link and then accept my invitation.

    buyCoin must have a telegram, telegram is only made for incoming orders so that we know if there is an order from a user.
    I wish I could connect it to email but I don't know how.
  34. Dida
    Okay, then I only want the coin history. Thanks Link
  35. #Question...
    How to add Balance coins above the Profile?
  36. #Reply... Dida
    MAGIC Reincarnated
    I need to find the file first, I've made it before... I'll upload it to digithub after I find it.
  37. #Question...
    i would love to get the free version
  38. #Reply... Anonim
    MAGIC Reincarnated
    Don't use an anonymous account, I won't be able to recognize you.
    This is a free version feature, but I only support those who use a premium login.
  39. Anonymous
    I don’t understand u mean I have to login using my blogger account or what
  40. #Question...
  41. #Reply... Itachisi
    My website inspired by tapas, tappytoon, manta, asura. You can view them instead of mine.
  42. #Reply... Itachisi
    MAGIC Reincarnated
    I've invited you, check your email and accept my invitation.
  43. #Question...
    any video to follow
  44. #Reply... Itachisi
    MAGIC Reincarnated
    There is no video on how to install the code, because these two features are only installed on the blogger page.

    how to use it is in the video playlist above... To get bot tokens and chat IDs, there is also a video playlist.
    tools Find out Telegram IDgroups
  45. #Question...
    Hi I bought it via ko-fi v2man Here is my github
  46. #Reply... Azathoth13x
    MAGIC Reincarnated
    Hmm? Didn't I already invite you... on github list you are already there as a Collaborator.
    Check your github...
  47. Azathoth13x
    Maybe Im drumk hah srry
  48. #Question...
    sistem voucher sama buycoin bagus banget, praktis dibandingkan masukin coin lewat dasboard admin.

    Oh iya kak hiru, apa bisa untuk update selanjutnya dari kedua fitur itu dibuatin dua hal ini

    1 fitur menampilkan satu kode voucher gratis perhari yang bisa diredem user, dan bagian dasboard pembuatan voucher dibikin bisa edit kode vouchernya.

    2 untuk buycoin dibuatkan fitur random isi coinnya antara 1-5 coin, mirip bundel gacha gitu.

    Dan aku punya desain buat dasboard buycoinnya, cek email dariku kak.

    Dari - ilya tiana
  49. #Reply... Anonim
    MAGIC Reincarnated
    yang pertama bisa dibuat sedangkan yang kedua gak bisa, yang kedua itu bingung nerapinnya gimana sedangkan buycoin butuh konfirmasi dari admin sebelum mendapatkan coinnya.

    desainnya simpel, bisa diterapkan perubahan warna tiap status resinya, kubuat style opsi kedua aja.
  50. #Question...
    Novel & Manga
    Request free version
  51. #Reply... Novel & Manga
    Novel & Manga
    Request free version
  52. #Question...
    bro, I bought you account format but I'm fail with 3 time. what is this? I asked you telegram but you're not answer me. I really want to buy.
  53. #Reply... Issie
    MAGIC Reincarnated
    Ah sorry I'm quite busy.
    I haven't opened telegram for the past few days.
    I will check your message.
  54. #Reply... Novel & Manga
    MAGIC Reincarnated
    Free version is closed for now, there will be an update.
  55. #Question...
    can you also remove the role staff modder in the next update like the free version?
  56. #Reply... Anonim
    MAGIC Reincarnated
    It doesn't seem possible, that role is still needed...
    I still often use both roles for testing. If you don't want the role, just don't use it.. it won't cause any bugs.
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